Client Spotlight: Edith

Edith, a woman wearing a red tee shirt, black hoodie, glasses, and a floral decorated headband, sitting up in her hospital bed with her oxygen tube, smiling.When you meet Edith, you’ll immediately sense her warmth and joy for life. She will likely be in the bedroom of her first floor apartment, where tall windows let the sunshine pour in, creating a light and tranquil vibe. Edith has Multiple Sclerosis and Asthma, and because of these diseases, she stays most of the day in a remote-controlled adjustable hospital bed in her room, connected to an oxygen machine.

There, Edith spends her time reading books on her phone and watching Netflix movies on the TV atop her dresser. During the summer, when her daughter has a break from SF State University, where she studies interior design, they watch a lot of films together, especially romantic comedies and fun mysteries.

Her bedroom is filled with things like a walker, a wheelchair, and a bedside commode—all to make her daily living activities easier. Edith explains that she didn’t always have these items, and she didn’t always spend her days in this spacious, airy room where she can live fairly comfortably.

Edith credits Raven McCroey, a staff member of Shanti’s Peer Advocate Care Team (PACT), for connecting her with care and resources that have vastly improved her living situation and quality of life. “Raven is an angel; I love her so much,” says Edith.

Raven is the Resident Services Coordinator at 1101 Connecticut Street, the apartment building that opened in 2019 in the Potrero public housing development. In her role, Raven regularly checks in on residents and offers them care navigation and supportive services. When Raven and Edith first met, Edith was living in a second-floor apartment and spending most of her days asleep on the living room couch because her bed was too uncomfortable. Over the course of a year and a half, Raven would deliver food to Edith every Tuesday. They developed a strong bond, and Edith opened up to Raven, sharing more about the barriers she experienced.

Raven introduced Edith to a nurse from the Department of Public Health Wellness Center who helped Edith obtain at-home medical supplies (including the hospital bed) that make a pivotal difference. The nurse also connected Edith with a caregiver who offers daily support with Edith’s morning routine of getting out of bed, dressing, and having breakfast in the kitchen.

Thanks to Raven’s advocacy, Edith was relocated to a first-floor apartment—making it much easier to leave the building with her limited mobility. Recently, Edith spent a few weeks in a nursing home. She called Raven for support when she felt she wasn’t getting the treatment she needed. Raven visited with Edith and advocated on her behalf with the nursing home staff.

Edith is filled with gratitude for Raven and Shanti. “Before, I was abandoned. Now I have a lot of people who care. Now, after meeting Raven, I feel like I have a life.”

Client Spotlight: Marla

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